Friday, January 16, 2009


First of all, I would like to explain the change in the medium I use. Well, I was so overwhelmed by the fact that I passed the entrance test in my dream school, Ateneo. And just like what Angelo was doing, I need to practice my English Skills. Haha! *Hmm, I am not saying that studying there is already a certainty. And, I would also like to apologize for the errors you might see in this entry, at least, I’m trying to improve.:))

Let’s get started.

It had been a while since my last post. (as always.) If Marc’s idea about the “death of blogs” (where inactive blogs age until it dies.) was made a reality, then, my blog would probably be resting in peace now. (how sad…)

Let me talk about 2008.

2008 had been a memorable year for me. It signaled the end of my journey as a high school student.

As of now, I really do not know what to feel.
I am so eager to see the fruits of my four years of HARDWORK. (when I say hardwork, it really is HARD)
But then, I am saddened by the fact that separation from the people I treated as my brothers and sisters, my friends, is inevitable.
There is nothing left for me to do, I must face a new chapter of my life.

In month’s time, I’ll be leaving the place they refer to as “school.”

The place where my brain was squeezed so hard (even at the times when there is really nothing in there.)
The place where I tried to stay awake even though my eyes shut voluntarily because of boredom.
The place where I experienced my first suspension.
The place where the weak and the faint-hearted can never last.
The place where procrastination feels so good.
The place where my joys outpoured.
The place where I learned life’s lessons.
The place where I dedicated my efforts and time.
The place I LOVED the most.

Now, let me share the things I will surely not forget about school…

First, my ever active SSG.:)) well these guys mean a lot to me. Never did I expect that we will be this bonded. Nothing can replace the times we had together, the pressure we shared when something gets wrong and the simple joy of contentment every time we see the students’ smiles every time a project was done successfully. I am also proud since we were able to implement new projects, which I think, suited the taste of most of the MandSci students. *even though there were many OBSTACLES. (you know what I mean. *nyahaha! >:D)

Second, my friends. Well these are the same people I met from the very beginning of my stay in MandSci. haha.Ü For me, four years of shared happiness, problems (and even smells, joke!) is enough to say that we are really bonded. These people are my treasures, something that will never be taken away from me by any means.
Special mention to:
Ahafaqmipa (Darah, Mara, Jellah, Angelique, Arvielle, Michelle, Pat, Arianne and Chippy)
Presidency (Oli, Pao, Lemu, Ced, Adrian,Gelo and Amiel R.)

And to the people I met recently but made me a lot happier, 4AVER.:))

Lastly, but most importantly, my love. Well, the world knows how much I loved someone this year.
Someone who showed me the simple joys of life.
Someone who took away the frown in my face.
Someone who impresses me just by being herself.
Someone who cared for me like nobody does.
Someone who never left me at the times I’m at my nadir.
Someone who LOVED me the way I am.
*hmm, I do not want to include sepulchral events (and people like … urgh, you know who.) here, I want to remember the good times we had together.Ü

Well, this concludes my “i-will-never-forget” list.

But, there are a lot of things that are also worth remembering. These are only some…

*faulty sound system (is this really worth remembering?)
*pasaway yet kind students of MandSci
*series of open forums in 4-Almeda (well, it is a good thing that every thing’s going well now.)
*dance interpretation in Filipino
*MAPEH play
*time with Mr. Jeffrey James Bryan Sanders :))
*preparation for Mr. and Ms. MandSci
*Boys and Girls Week (where I got the position of congressman)
*Teachers’ Day Sportsfest
*Christmas Concert (this one’s really great!)
*Bote, Dyaryo Naman Dyan! (this one’s great too, can’t forget going out of our comfort zones in order to collect stuffs, very memorable :)))
And a lot more.:))

Hmm, too much for this post, I hope 2009 will be as great, or even better than 2008. :)) *together with this post is the promise to do my best in order to update my blog more frequently.:))

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